Friday, October 18, 2013

A Child of God

Mirrors have an interesting way of telling us information about ourselves. What we see in a mirror is a reflection of ourselves. On good days we will see a reflection that we are pleased with. Other days we may feel disgusted with what we see. Our reflection is what we see first in the morning after waking up, and the last thing we see as we prepare to go to bed. Mirrors are everywhere. They are used practically (in bathrooms and bedrooms) and they are used decoratively. We see our reflection in the rearview mirror; in the glass pane of a door; on the back of a spoon. Seeing our reflection is such a common occurrence throughout the day that we hardly think about it. Often, we simply stop for a moment to absentmindedly consider our appearance before carrying on with business as usual.
            Mirrors also have an emotional and mental impact on us. We look in the mirror and see what we want to see. We see what our mind projects when we look at our reflection, whether it is positive or not.  Too often we see our flaws, mistakes, and shortcomings when we look in the mirror. On a good day we may see our successes and feel good about ourselves. What we see in the mirror affects how we feel about ourselves. Also, how we look in the mirror affects how we feel about ourselves.
            One particular moment in my life that I tend to reflect upon is when I was thirteen years old. I was attending a “beehive camp” by the name of Oakcrest. Every morning and night my counselor, Shortcake, would gather our cabin of girls together for a short devotional. One particular night, there was no light in the cabin except for a few small candles. Sitting in semi-darkness, Shortcake took out a large, framed photograph. She kept the picture hidden from us as she explained that the image in this picture portrayed the most beautiful of God’s creation. The framed picture was passed slowly through the circle of girls as our counselor slowly explained more about the beauty and pure magnificence of the creation. As one of the last members in the circle, my anticipation of receiving the picture grew. What was the most beautiful and greatest of God’s creations? In the dim candlelight, the most stunning of revelations came to me as the frame was passed into my hands. I found myself staring at a reflection of myself. Completely surprised, I lost my breath for a long moment. Looking at the thirteen-year-old version of myself, I would never in a million years have considered the fact that I as an individual am one of God’s greatest creations. But in that moment, looking into my own eyes, I began to recognize my own divine nature. I was able to fully understand that I am a Child of God. I am his greatest creation.
So whenever you are looking at yourself in the mirror, PLEASE remember that YOU are a Child of God, and YOU are his greatest creation.

XOXO, Hardy

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